611 pageencours = 7 sens = 1 nb pages =7 debut = 600
Titre | Auteur | Éditeur | Langue | Bulletin HCF | Prix HCF |
What do they want? A Jazz Autobiography of Sammy Price  | PRICE Sammy  | Bayou Press Ltd Oxford  | A | 385 |   |
Who's Who of British Jazz  | CHILTON John  | Cassell UK  | A | 456 |   |
Who's Who of Jazz ( Storyville to Swing street ) 1ere Edition  | CHILTON John  | Bloomsbury Book Shop (GB) 1970  | A | 201 |   |
Who's Who of Jazz ( Storyville to Swing street ) 5eme Edition  | CHILTON John  | Papermac 1990  | A | 378 |   |
With Louis and the Duke - Autobiography of a Jazz Clarinetist  | BIGARD Barney  | Barry Martin - Mc Millan Press ltd  | A | 354 |   |
World of Swing (The) Vol 1  | DANCE Stanley  | Charles Schribner's NYC 1973  | A | 242 |   |
World of Count Basie (The)  | DANCE Stanley  | Charles Schribner's 1980  | A | 285 |   |
World of Duke Ellington (The)  | DANCE Stanley  | Charles Schribner's NYC 1970  | A | 206 |   |
Yazoo 1-20 (Blues ancien)  | MACLEOD R.R.  |   | 364 |   | |
Yazoo 21-83  | MACLEOD R.R.  | Autoproduit  | A | 414 |   |
Zazous  | DE CORTANZE Gerard  | Albin Michel 2016  | F | 655 |   |